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Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Thursday, December 10, 2009

Welcome ECU Students

It would be a great pleasure for me in fact us that ECU Students are coming to join with South Asian Institute of Photography under exchange programme. I hope, this is going to be a valuable experience and knowledge exchanging opportunity with ECU students on many collaborative photographic ventures, workshops, classes and projects at our institution. Following are my three ideas; one of those I am interested to make reportage at the time of workshop.

a way of joyous life

"We demand a happy and joyous life. We demand, as we call in bangla, ananda."

Nayakrishi Andolon (New Agricultural Movement) is the movement of the farming communities to cultivate happy relations of life and environment and new ways to build up communities. It emerged in response to the negative consequences generated by chemical agriculture and involved the men, women and children of the community in organising to produce healthy food, a healthy environment and a happy life. This happiness, or, as the farmers call it, ananda, is both material and cultural and must be grasped as the living experience of a social being within a community.
Nayakrishi Andolon is based on a very basic principle.
Observe and follow the process us of life and nature, the bounty and the diversity, in order to interact with the external world, to be transformed in the act of participation, in order to open up the immense possibilities of joyful activities and happiness in and around us.

As an agricultural practice, Nayakrishi Andolon is based on 10 simple principles. These principles are developed through the experiences and knowledge of farmers. As their experience and confidence grew, the farmers developed this set of general principles for the production of food and other crops.

My interest is not the activities of their movement, but their culture, their belief, their relation with nature, their way of living, and their pleasure of living. Because they insist that agriculture is not a factory or industry, it is not merely a sector of food production. Agriculture is a way of life, a cultural practice with all the implications of the word "culture".

Shrimp farming
a dangerous threat for life

Shrimp farms can cause severe ecological problems. For extensive farms, huge areas of mangroves were cleared, reducing biodiversity. Shrimp farming in many cases has far-reaching effects on the local coastal population. Like salinity, loosing land, bound to change profession. Especially in the boom years of the 1980s and 1990s, the very fast expansion of the industry caused significant changes that sometimes were detrimental to the local population. Conflicts can be traced back to two root causes: competition for common resources such as land and water, and changes induced by wealth redistribution.

Deep tube wells for irrigation
a great cause of man maid water crisis

Saturday, December 5, 2009


Swine herding is a ancient profession. In Bangladesh, swineherds lead an unusual gipsy life with herds. Their family live in a particular place and men go out with their herd to various places to feed pigs, constantly moving and living in tents of bamboo and plastic paper. They usually stay three to four days in each place. Sometimes it might be a day or a week depending on the availability of pig-food.

They could be spotted more frequently in the past while becoming a rare scene now being merged into the mainstream society more and more everyday.

Pigs are crossing a marshy land.

Pigs are strolling around while herdsmen are taking breakfast. They are habituated although pigs are very dirty and stink.

Herdsman Jibon Chandra Das is tightening his lungi before taking their bag and baggage. Now they are leaving this place after spending 6 days.

Herdsman Guru Doyal Das is separating the piglets from the pigs before take herd for tend to nearest pasture lands and bushes where piglets cannot run with them.

Two children are beating a pig. Sometimes children are very irritating. They try to hit to pigs by stick. Some time they make pigs scattered and pigs try to run away.

An aerial view of a moving herd. Herdsman Sajib Chandra Das is tending and moving the herd to other place.

In early morning, Herdsman Lakshman Chandra Das is trying to control herd. One herdsman is sleeping inside and others went to nearest bushes for defecation.

Herdsman Nirmal Chandra Das is tending pigs in a field. He has been doing this job from 1972. He started herding in their own herd during his father’s time. Now he works in other’s herd.

A narrow muddy path between two houses of their permanent place. Their permanent houses are very congested to each other. Most of houses are made by straw and bamboo.

Herdsman Sajal Chandra Das is waiting for stop raining. Less than one hour raining almost make a flood. Water gets into their tent. Everything has been witted about and they had to sleep out of their tent.